Just Checking For Advice

Hey everyone! I am looking for a bit of information on growing. I have a bubbleponics system from Stealth Hydro coming to my house (as soon as this fucking Canada Post strike is over), and I need to know what to do. I have 5 seeds, a 6 plant bubbleponics setup, and 2 lights coming. The two lights are a dual spectrum setup for both flowering and vegetative states.
Now, is there anything else that I need? I mean, I have an area to grow in, but I think it actually might be too small. :/ It is a crawl space, and it is probably about 4 feet high. Is that enough room?
The bubbbleponics setup is coming with the nutrients and shit to grow in, so I mean, I figure that will be enough right?
But I don't have a SINGLE clue as to how to grow hahaha. I mean, I have my seeds coming and the bubbleponics on the way too, but other than that, there is nothing I know of. Do I plant the seeds and grow them into small plants before I even put them into the ponics system or do I just put them in? Any info and help would be amazing!!

Thanks everyone!
Your friendly neighborhood grow man.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I know what your going through, and all i can say is wait till you get it...99% of you questions will be answered when you get your setup. That being said it sounds like you got everything you need, but expect to buy some last minute things from the hydro store as you are setting it up
That sucks, considering I don't have a hydro store in my town. I live in a small town in Canada you see, so I don't really have all that much option. It is all ordered online and takes weeks to arrive, so that may put a bit of a wrench in my plan. xD