Just a thought.............


Hi all

I've been looking on this site for a while now and have pick up a lot of good info (and some not so good, but it all helps in some way) and I think that most people on here are nice and happy to help others, but I've noticed there seems to be loads of posts with the title along the lines of........"Guess the weight of my grow" and "Howmany ounces will I have dry" etc etc etc. Now I REALLY don't mean to be a dick but that's what weighing scales are for there is no need to guess !!!! Now I know and 95% of people on this site know that what the title is really trying to say is "Look how clever I am" or "Look how much bud I grew I do know what I'm doing !!!" and having grown my own plants I know how much effort and love and care goes into getting the girls to a happy end so I'm all for and understand people being proud of their efforts and wanting to show off their plants like a proud parent I just don't understand why they just don't come out and say it !!!!!!!!!!!

Just a thought I had.......and it's a slow day !!!!