just a quick ? 2 week old ladies


Well-Known Member
i didnt realise my timer had'nt come on this mornin nd my girls have had an extra 6 hours dark.
now if i turn them off at the normal time. this means they've only had 12 hours light will they think its time to flower?????
or should i just do 18 from wen i turned then on?????????????



Well-Known Member
Your call man, either way they'll be fine. If I happen to have seen the lights off when they should have been on, I'd just flick the switch and but the lights back on. You can always come back later and turn them off. 1-2 hours isn't going to make a difference and they'll get right back on schedule. Plants have to deal with clouds coving up the skies. They better be able to deal with a short dark period.


Active Member
cool your room, cool your lights, some say root developement, break on electric bill. pick your poison


Well-Known Member
im curious... if ur still vegging, why would u want ur lights to ever shut off??
I get better growth when I set my lights to 18hr on and 6 off vs 24 hours on. Roots usually grow during the day and at night leaves and stem do the most growth, so its good to have both periods.