John Walshs' son's killer finally confirmed.


Well-Known Member
Its about time!! Although the creep that killed Adam died in prison and made a dying declaration as he was croaking. He admitted to so many murders, the cops thought he was lying. I like AMW also :hump:


Well-Known Member
Actually he retracted an earlier confession on his death bed. Either way this piece of shit isn't getting away with it. I'm not one who believes in your garden variety heaven and hell but also believe strongly somehow, someway, this "thing" is paying dearly on a cosmic scale. In a perfect world he's in a parallel universe and he's Adam Walsh .....right before he's abducted.... and gets to feel what it must have been like to be that innocent sweet kid over and over and over again. Fuck me runnin'..... for the world of me I can't figure out why we as a culture actually house and feed these monsters. Once Id'ed they should be exterminated. Nothing that deserves to live would harm a child like that. Period.


Well-Known Member
I agree, that if we want to believe in evolution, we also have to believe these guys are pissing in the genepool.


New Member
Vi is there anything you don't balme the left for? You are getting pretty boring with your one horse stance.

Back on topic...

The cops fucked up, lost the bloody carpet from dudes car and somehow neglected the boy's clothes that where found in dudes house. They should have hung that guy 30 years ago.


Well-Known Member

Back on topic...

The cops fucked up, lost the bloody carpet from dudes car and somehow neglected the clothes that where found in dudes house. They should have hung that guy 30 years ago.
Ah, yes, a prime example of the physics involved in short drops and sudden stops.

It could have been televised live, to nearly 200 Million viewers, and would have been bigger than the superbowl.


New Member
I'm glad for the parents and other family that they finally got some closure on this.

It's a sad thing that happened to Adam, but look at what good his father has made of it. I like to think that thousands of children have been saved in the wake of such a tragic event.


New Member
Vi is there anything you don't balme the left for? You are getting pretty boring with your one horse stance.
Med ... I know you're not stupid. I also know that you are not ignorant. All of the posts made in these forums over the years by we, the great thinking conservatives, have changed you from the stupid and ignorant person you once were. However, you have remained unmovabley stubborn. With that in mind, please list how many conservatives you know of that are against, and actively work against, the death penalty ... then do the same for left-wing zealot progressives.

Thanks ... :weed:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm a left winger, and I'm very much for the death penalty.
Med ... I know you're not stupid. I also know that you are not ignorant. All of the posts made in these forums over the years by we, the great thinking conservatives, have changed you from the stupid and ignorant person you once were. However, you have remained unmovabley stubborn. With that in mind, please list how many conservatives you know of that are against, and actively work against, the death penalty ... then do the same for left-wing zealot progressives.

Thanks ... :weed:


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Anyone here ever call America's Most Wanted? I have...

I think it was in 1988 or 89, I was living in So. Cal and working in a night club. While getting ready for work one night AMW was on and there popped up a man I had worked with years before in a hotel in Sacramento. His name was Paul Mack and he was the executive chef at the hotel. My jaw hit the floor.... he was wanted for rape and murder.

I called AMW and they had an investigator call me back. I don't think I gave them any information they didn't already have ....except the name of one of his ex-girlfriends. He was caught but I don't know what prison he is in or what his sentence is. I haven't thought about this in years.

The freaky thing is that I bet if I dug through my picture boxes I would find pictures of him at various parties I was at (hotel employees tend to hang out and party together).

Apparently there was a book written about this guy called 'Tainted Roses'.... I haven't read it.