lol fdd i live like an hour from u and i just watched, we have satellite here and our Comedy Central channel (along with many other channels like TBS) are east coast timing so south park comes on 6:30 for me, and joe dirt is over and stuff lol its great. sorry i beat ya'll.
I watched it yesterday-that movie never gets old.But now I have DirectTV and now I get my Comedy Central , and E! Channel ( Watch the show called " The Soup " It is my favorite show hands down.) and some other channels on the damn east coast time which means Joe Dirt was on 3 hours ago for me.
EDIT: Ha Sabud you too man...It's the only downside of sat. TV...
well its a downside and upside. Its upside cause i like waking up in the morning to some mtv and comedians, but its a downside cause i mean im on the furthest west coast lol fucken Cali i live near fdd. So it sucks when ill be on msn and be like "DUDE COMEDY CENTRAL (thats snowboarder movie where they sell it to a guy form texas ) IS ON NOW!!! then there like no MTV is on....oh fuck i forgot im 3 hours ahead comedy wise" cause u cant be like LOL DID U SEE THAT no ur like "this is about to happen 21:56 into the movie"
"sniff","sniff",hehad a home all the time,he just didni know it,!,damn dirty joe,he should of never left!,how about lil dewey playing the part of "young joe",funny!
i see office space to many times its still funny but some parts i dont care for. the first time i saw the part with the fax machine and they slow mo kicked its ass lol first time i watched it i laughed my ass off, still funny but better blazed.
im watching parental control on mtv cause nothing good is on