Jock Horror ~ Jack Herrer: Grow Areo, Under 1000k HPS! Pointers Apreceated!!!!

Alright folks! Here it is, My first grow under the new set up!I'm super stoked to see the results.

It's always been a dream of mine to grow the best ganja in the area. And its an even cooler to think that you can smoke that good green that you've put so much time, blood, sweat and tears (on the bad times) in to!

So with that being said I went out a build a 300sqf room to raise these puppies up in! Complete control on every aspect of weather! Hell I could recreate rain in this room i bet! (maybe

The Goods :
Nutrition: House & Garden

  1. Aqua Flakes A/B
  2. Top Booster
  3. Drip Clean
  4. Roots Accelerator
  5. Magic Green
  6. Bud XL
  7. Amino Treatment

Lights :
1000 watt HPS Light Bulb Fully Vented

Growing Medium :
Aeroponic System with 30 Growing Cells

Room Temp :

Humidity :
CO2 Blasting every 30min for 5 Min when the fan is off

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