jock horror how they doing guys?? pics***


Active Member
hey guys so this is my second grow, i have 4 jock horrors going right now and they are going into their 6th week of veg. they are under 400w hps, under 18/6 lighting, used miracle grow moisture control (i know everyone talks shit about it but it works for me for now) im using fox farm nutes big bloom and grow big. only water when soil is dried up. the biggest plant is about 31 inches, smallest is about 25inches. i know that i should probably switch them to 12/12 soon right? they are signficantly bigger than my first grow which i am stoked about :mrgreen: anyways tell me what you guys think! thanks a bunch! bongsmilie:peace::joint:

ps i have some white widows and white rhinos going and need to get a veg place set up for them which is why i havnt switched them to flower yet!



Active Member
ya i think im gonna swtich them over tomorrow and get another set up going so that way the others can stay under 18/6 i have a bunch of cfls from my first grow so those should be sufficient until these harvest? ya ive been taking it pretty easy on the nutes because i think thats where i went wrong last grow. almost seems as though they do much better naturally with just water! anyone have any experience growing jock horror? im curious how much bigger they will get going into flower usually they double in size right? hopefully it will be a good yeild!:joint::joint:

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
ya i think im gonna swtich them over tomorrow and get another set up going so that way the others can stay under 18/6 i have a bunch of cfls from my first grow so those should be sufficient until these harvest? ya ive been taking it pretty easy on the nutes because i think thats where i went wrong last grow. almost seems as though they do much better naturally with just water! anyone have any experience growing jock horror? im curious how much bigger they will get going into flower usually they double in size right? hopefully it will be a good yeild!:joint::joint:
i used MG moisture control on my last grow and the whole time i vegged i just used straight water and they had more than enough nutes


Active Member
thanks guys, im def watching the nutes with that MG mositure control, stopped grow big and ill slowly use the big bloom. anyone know if the other fox farm nutes are worth getting like the tiger bloom, cha ching, and open seaseme? anyone smoked jock horror? whats it like? : D