Jock Horror: Grow Areo, Under 1000k HPS! Freash Water and Droppy Plants! HELP!

Ok So I just changed my water in the rez and right away my plants started looking a little droopy like they were getting to
much nutz! However they are definitely NOT because my PPMs are lower than they were prior to change.

Was wondering if anyone has seen this happen before. I'm thinking its just a little shock and they will be fine tomorrow when I wake up. BUT figured I would ask out there anyways!

Room temp is at 75.4
Water temp is down to 69- 71
Humidity is at 50%
Lights are 1000k HPS ( 18 on 4 off
Using all House & Garden Food
Distilled Water with the PH @ 5.7 very consistent and is exactly what it was from the prior water.
Fan is blowing on them.
Pumping CO2 into the air

Nothing has changed other than the water and nutz ( but nothing different than the last time just new).

Any help would be great!
