Jan 20 2006


Well-Known Member
3 years ago tommorow my best freind/roommate/Brother was gunned down in cold blood at our house. Some inner city F@#ks decided to try to steal a dirtbike from our house. My friend went outside to confront them. The youngest one shot him in his stomach. Shot him in the heart. Killed him. They found the people. they are in jail.

Im not going to be really happy tommorow. The date really makes me not even care about Barrack Obama. ... Grrrr im already getting salty
3 years ago tommorow my best freind/roommate/Brother was gunned down in cold blood at our house. Some inner city F@#ks decided to try to steal a dirtbike from our house. My friend went outside to confront them. The youngest one shot him in his stomach. Shot him in the heart. Killed him. They found the people. they are in jail.

Im not going to be really happy tommorow. The date really makes me not even care about Barrack Obama. ... Grrrr im already getting salty

terrible shit man no one should have to go through that but if you made it out ok that means your one tough fuckin dude. props to you and I'll be sparking up one for your bro tomorrow.

jail just isnt enough punishment for something like that. i would wait for the day, if there is one, that the kid got out.
It just sucks how TV and the news and everything is rubbing it in my face. Even though there is a stigma with it being a day black people will remember forever... Did I mention it was 4 black men trying to rob him/us?

A stupid man would easily turn into a racist on a day like tommorow.... Good thing ive been well educated :roll:

...There just isnt enough weed for these next couple days. :(
damn bro.... dont really know what to say except albeit a sad day, life does go on; meaning dont do anything stupid...

know what its like to lose people close to you.. but i dont know what its like to lose them to other people's stupidity; only their own (od's)... my heart goes out to you today, tomorrow... anytime you have to really be reminded of it... i still cry about some of those people when i think about them.
Horrible. I feel for yah man. I wish life could be fair

RIP to all those who have died too early in their lives

Some prayers to whatever god you worship -