Jamaican OG x GranDaddy Purp


Well-Known Member
IMG_4465.jpgIMG_4464.jpgIMG_4463.jpgIMG_4462.jpgHere's some F1s of my Jamaica OG from Cali Conn. and a GDP clone cut. I'm getting ready to clone and # so I can rune these and see what comes from em'. I'll keep ya posted!
I'd totally be down to help you test whenever you need testers. GDP is one of my favorite strains of all time. Keep up the good work Wheezy:clap:
IMG_4719.jpgIMG_4718.jpgIMG_4716.jpgIMG_4717.jpgIMG_4726.jpgIMG_4725.jpgHere's a little update on em'. They are doing fine out in that green house, but they're not gonna get to their full potential if I don't put a light in there. So, I'm putting a couple lights in there soon! But that's another story for another thread.
The clones off these have all rooted and in dirt too. I had them in rockwool in a clone dome like I always clone, but I went and bought an EZ Cloner and pulled them out and stuck em' in there, and they rooted in 2 days after being in the cubes for 4 days. The mother plant of mthis cross was gifted to me as a GDP, but after giving it a test run in the bong recently, I discovered that it's not the GDP that I had in the past:-? and don't think it's as good:evil:. It's just not as pungent purple tasting as I'm used to. So, I'm prolly gonna wind up scrapping this project right here, and starting it over. I want to use the Jamaican D instead of the J.OG. and I want to use a better purple. I just got some Deep Purple from Sub, and I have some God Bud seeds too, so I think I'm gonna go hunting down my own mother for this cross in those genetics, prolly the DP.
I havn't been getting as many clones from otherr growers as I used to, and this is why. It's gotten anymore than there are knock-off clones on the market too!! haha. Not to mention every time I bring in a clone from outside source, I have to spray it for everything and keep it in quarintine for a couple weeks to make sure it doesn't infect my crops.haha It's terrible!
Dman! I must've smoked some good sativa this morning, I'm going on and on blah blah b;ah!! hmmmmm must've been that Orange Skunk.....