Jackherer grow 2weeks in flowering,need help plz on 1st grow


Hi guys,my first grow and its jackherer and ive got a problem and need some v.good advise, my leafes are starting to yellow and was thinking is this normal? And the plant size is 17.5 inch which i thought jack was a tall plant but i did lst it, Im growing with
Biobiz light mix soil in 15 ltr
Veg for 6 weeks and in 2 weeks flowering
1.2x90 grow tent
4inch inlet
7" iscolating fan
6inch outlet with carbon filter
Ph 6.3-6.7
Humidity 40_60
Temp light on-24-27 oc
Light off- lowest 16.7 oc
Nutrients=house and garden soil a and b
Addatives=house and garden bud xl but starting from next feed.thank


Good point, i'll cut my nutes by half on next feed but do you think i should flush before or wait till nxt watering and flush or just feed with half nutes?do you think she will be ok with looking at it? thanx flgrower!


Well-Known Member
420 magazine pic ....? why ask here then ...?

See you problem as ...Standard nute burn, with a little over watering on the side,....Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or overnight......avoid feeding for 2 weeks then resume at half the current rate only resume, when you see a positive improvement