I've noticed a mutation


What causes this? I saw online about a strain called duckfoot or some shit and it's like all of the leaves are genetically mutated to look sort of like this one. Curious to the idea of using that specific mode (at a later growth) to use for cloning and maybe clone a plant that only has that type of leaf? Could I the hypothetically stress the plant and get a herma? In that case, could it sees itself and produce seeds with the same mutated trait. Because apparently those duckfoot seeds are insane lay hard to get

Just my thoughts Tho. Anyway, the other plants are fine, I just wanted to show off progress from my first grow



Mutations/deformities are going to happen, i had a three-seeds-pack of Master Kush and one went the way of deformity, sometimes it happens later in the growth, for example i have a 'chimapple dawg' that started at the fourth node, that then split in three leaf growth and not two. chalk it down to 'luck of the draw'.