I've gotten a taste for opiates...


Well-Known Member
very much. if its the flower i think youd be ok in small dosages but be carefull bro that shit sucks coming off. ill pray for your health, last thing you need is a bumbed liver while taking opiats

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Yuuuup...... I used to sip codiene/ promyth off n on, back when... No more though mayn, that shit and sprite was great to me lol.... But it can have health affects and not to mention devastating.... Also od's


Ursus marijanus
If you'e using opiates for fun, you're playing with a smoldering fire ... and you might not notice the transition to open flame, and then inferno.
I was using prescribed opiates for a chronic condition ... and I got massively addicted twice. Now the only safe thing for me to do is avoid; stay clear and clean. When i get a force-4 migraine oh my I do miss them. But i am now rather afraid of them, and I am in no hurry to change that mindset. cn


Well-Known Member
If you'e using opiates for fun, you're playing with a smoldering fire ... and you might not notice the transition to open flame, and then inferno.
I was using prescribed opiates for a chronic condition ... and I got massively addicted twice. Now the only safe thing for me to do is avoid; stay clear and clean. When i get a force-4 migraine oh my I do miss them. But i am now rather afraid of them, and I am in no hurry to change that mindset. cn
not that i like it but i been there addicted also. I have had 3 in depth surgery that got me assess to perc 30s and time release Oxycontin that fucked me up all day.

I would take the time release in the morning which was enough to fuck me up all day. the doc also gave me the perc 30's for when i accidently tried to move my broke ass leg/knee. I would take those and be drooling.

Its so addicting that when i finally healed i got these headaches and i mean brain splitting headaches that hurt so much i figured i would take a pain killer to make it go away. Wrong... the headaches where from me withdrawing from the pills.

when i finally ran out of pill i realized this.


Well-Known Member
Stay away

I never got into opiates at all but I got into amps hardcore a few years ago (clean now). I know opiates are much more physically addicting, but be careful.


Well-Known Member
Drop it right now. I've lost too many to opiates...

Help our case, proving pot isn't a gateway drug. Look at it that way.


Well-Known Member
Just space it out and you'll be alright.Try to take like 3 days off them after each time taking them and you'll be alright,thats what I do and I never withdraw.The prometh/codiene had me fucked up though lol,but I stopped fucking with it so I only take the 15's and 30's now.


Well-Known Member
Like dots said. If you take them for fun space that shit out or you'll be sorry. If you do get hooked DO NOT start taking methadone. That shit is worse.


Active Member
IMO doing opium is no more risky then drinking booze. Some people will develop a physical addiction but at the end of the day a physical addiction is something you have to work at. If you want to do opiates I would recommend keeping at least two weeks between doses and if you find it hard to keep to that then quit. Also avoid doing it at regular intervals as that is a great way to make your usage habitual.

Growing poppies indoors is a great way to keep your usage from becoming an addiction because you simply can't grow enough to start a proper habit (maybe if you have a shitload of land and a bunch of peasants to harvest all that opium.)


Well-Known Member
I had a great thought out answer for you, then I noticed Star Wars IV a new hope on spike...

oh yeah, I tried Opium a couple times, I liked it great shit, wish I had a supply.... I try to stay away from the things I like that cost a fortune to do. FUKN LOVE BLOW TOO, BUT DAMN, STICK WITH THE POT SON..... (fukn caps lock, im to lazy to fix it >:P )


Well-Known Member
ForgetfulPenguin, I completely agree, which is why I don't drink regularly and never will. Alcohol is highly underestimated as it ilia legal but it is dangerous shit. I can l knock back a frightening amount of alcohol for my size so this isn't about me having been too scared of it to know what I'm talking about. Booze has screwed up many of my loved ones and shown a side of them I never want to see again. A drink every now and again is alright, but drunk is dangerous state to be however much you laugh at funny stories of horrible situations you ended up in afterward.

Opiates are as dangerous as alcohol; Agreed. Advice you gave about dosing; agreed, though I wouldn't recommend starting at all, especially if you have alot of money and/or time on your hands. OP, I say this out of love- watch yourself.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I've lost a brother in law (29 yrs. old), and numerous friends from opiates... Glad your considering quiting man... You'll thank yourself later...