It's Time to make a Stand against these scam artist.


Well-Known Member

  • Just tell me.....If they were to pass this....and 30-40+ million people cancelled insurance on the same day...

    What would happen to their plan? They would shit their pants.

    They are depending on using US.....for $$$$$$$$$$$$

    I will not be part of it. It's time to end it. No more $$$$ Our Forefathers and Grandfathers fought and defended this Nation and they have sold us out people. They have Sold us out for 30 years or more..moving jobs for more $$$$$ charging more $$$$$ ripping us off selling us crap.

    If you want that kind of government don't do anything....As for me I am sick of the corporations taking us for a ride and then throwing us out the door while the car is moving. NO MORE!!!

    The racist crashed the market the more they knew the "black man" was going to win and put us into a recession...then blocked recovery for 8 years. You think about it

    We have time to plan it will not pass the senate like it is...they will have to go back to the house. The People of the Country control them.....If we want better we have to shock them into it.

    Sometimes We as American's have to make a Stand and Sacrifice like those in WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Korea, etc..

    I know cancelling insurance sounds like some big scary thing.....they want you to be afraid...

    So yes I will keep saying this and I Respect anyone who cannot.

    In order to bring about Change....Sometimes we need to Shock them.

    Remember there are Families, Men, Women, and Children who never had insurance ever until Obama care.....millions of people.

    Many of those are about to be thrown out to the street again without anything by the republican party...


Well-Known Member
If you can organize and convince 10 people to do this, you might be able to convince 100.
If you can organize and convince 100 people to do this, you might be able to convince 1000... etc.

I suspect this protest of yours will not move fast enough to achieve the change desired. What's your timeline like on this plan of action?