It's taking a bit long


I germinated my seed about 3 weeks ago. That went absolutely beautifully in about 4 days it cracked. I did everything right after that but I do have to admit I didn't have proper lighting for a while and the nutrients I had soon wore off. I now have proper lighting and 20-20-20 fertilizer for my baby but she still hasn't grown. All I have is about 3 inches of stem and the 2 leaflets that were there when my seed finished germinating. I know I probably shouldn't have kept my plant out that long without the proper materials but it had to be done. Now she's yellowing on one of the leaflets and although I gave her the fertilizer and lighting she still hasn't grown any. Any suggestions:?::?:


Active Member
A picture would be helpful but a couple of things to bring up regardless... 3 weeks with no true leaves growing is a bad sign. If you have given fertilizer to a seedling you have probably harmed it greatly. To be completely honest, it may even be dead already (the cotyledons will usually stay green for a long time no matter what). Read up a bit more about germinating and the basics for how to care for seedlings. I'm not being judgmental or trying to sound harsh, but you really need to spend some time going over the 'basic basics'.


Active Member
Hope I didn't discourage you with my response - we've all killed our fair share of seedlings on the road to learning so don't sweat it too much.


Hope I didn't discourage you with my response - we've all killed our fair share of seedlings on the road to learning so don't sweat it too much.
No no, it's quite alright. Thank you for your input. It was my very first time so I figured it probably wouldn't go as good as I wanted it to but I'm just going to get some books and read :P I'm more of the learner type either way and this is all good for me to hear. Plus I have a green thumb! I can't just not grow xD