• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Its all bullshit.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hey guys just finished my wake and bake and thought I would rant a little. I think its all bullshit marijuana is illegal. I use it for recreational use, but my dad uses for medical. My dad has Rheumatoid arthritis. The "doctors" wont even give him a medical card. He has to pop pills every day, sometimes up to 14 pills a day. There are so many side effects of the pills, a couple being loss of vision and your inside organs being destroyed to shit. So here I am trying to grow some herb for me and him...

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Weed Modifier
I was Smoking since 14 whatever each to there own I would not offer to a minor but if they offered to me I would smoke it with them!


Well-Known Member
Did the doctors give him a reason for not issuing a medical card?
I'm in Oregon and you can qualify for any of 5 or 6 reasons and you don't have to specify on your application. Just submit medical notes and diagnosis.
I've had multiple knee surgeries and have arthritis in my knee as well. My application was approved without specifying.
Good luck to your dad, I know it helps a lot of people with pain. I did it really because I just want to grow the plants..I rarely medicate with it, but it is nice to know I can legally.


Active Member
Damn straight! I tried some legal buds, they scare the shit outta me! MJ is so much easier on the body than all this manmade crap. I grow primarily for my own recreation, but ive a friend that uses it for her severe back issues. She has pinched nerves and pains shoot down her legs. This has been an issue for years and the docs aint doing shit for her. Since i started growing, Ive been in close contact with her. The first brownie she ever ate allowed her to go motorcycle riding with me!! That was the first time in 3yrs!! Dont get all hi an mighty on me, yes she was driving under the influence. BUT, we both noticed that even with a small body buzz from eating, neither of us noticed a head change at all. I was disappointed cuz i wanted to get high, she was thrilled because she could walk w/o pain.

So, I smoke to get high, and eat buds to cure physical ailments. ITs not nearly the same thing for some reason. Of course, she ate 4 brownies at once, and we learned that you can get way fukd up by eating it. She didnt go anywhere that time, and vowed to not overdose again. Albiet it wasnt pleasant for her, she said that if she had to OD on a drug, this one was the easiest to recover from. Since, I discuss all my growing strains with her, and she gets a %50 discount on the choice nugs. I grow under the cleanest conditions i can, in hydroton, and nevr use chemical on the leaves themselves. Since I'm now a pharmacist for her, Im stepping up my game to try and get her the cleanest nugs possible. Growing for recreation is one thing, but once I took on a medical customer, it became serious to me. Fun is fun, medicine....now thats not a game!

As for my medication. I am physically well, and dont have any chronic pain. However, I am a VERY hi-strung person. I cant sit in one spot for more than 20minutes, and I never shut the hell up. Im sure theres a mental condition I fit in (less broad than plain crazy). Smoking MJ keeps me a tad more level headed. I still outperform my fellow workers (rediculous energy level of mine), but now I can actually stop moving and take a break w/o feeling like im nervous. Yes, grill me for working under the influence. Judge me for putting everyone in danger. The truth is, Im the head technician where I am. Ive been there over 8yrs, and have nary a one insurance claim for excessive damages. EVERY single person I work with, refers to me for information and diagnostics. My customers respect me for my knowledge, and Ive cost the shop less in damages than ANY of the other workers. Add this to the fact that my boss knows i come to work stoned, yet still trusts me to run the place when he needs a day off. Im not saying this to brag, I'm pointing out that its obvious that marijuana has mental medical use. Being a daily smoker for yrs, I function fine under the influence, and would like to think that perhaps I'm using it for a medical reason, even tho I label my use as recreation? Im just trying to make sure I'm not looking for an excuse to smoke, while belittling ppl that use it legitimately w/o question. anyone got any opinions on the mental use of MJ?

The damn laws are total bullshit. We still dont understand MJ completely, yet out of ignorance comes hatred and prohibition. This brand of thinking has been around since the white guys jacked the indians. Won't it be the greatest day when mj is legal enough that we can come out and tell people we smoke? Imagine the shock on the faces of the people that judge potheads, when i tell em that their mechanic has been stoned since the day we met. So much for weed making people into lazy, irresponsible, brain dead, unreliable, and dangerous workers. Take away the states ability to lock me up, and the general public will HAVE TO accept the fact that MJ isnt a monster. Sorry for the hi-jack, me thinks its time for another hit. Shoulda smoked more bofore loggin in to rollitup, and yall wouldnt have as much of my bs to read.

Happy growing!


Active Member
Trying to make any plant illegal is ridiculous. What other plant is? There are plants that will kill you if you eat them, or harm you greatly if you even touch them (Giant Hogweed), yet they are not illegal. Basically, anything that opens you up to deeper levels of your self will be viewed warily by modern society's rule makers, who prefer you nice and shallow and unfulfilled, and therefore into buying lots of dumb shit.


Weed Modifier
Trying to make any plant illegal is ridiculous. What other plant is? There are plants that will kill you if you eat them, or harm you greatly if you even touch them (Giant Hogweed), yet they are not illegal. Basically, anything that opens you up to deeper levels of your self will be viewed warily by modern society's rule makers, who prefer you nice and shallow and unfulfilled, and therefore into buying lots of dumb shit.
Its just because they have no controll over the Cash cow, That is why it is illegal...they dont want you to know it is benefitial or the dr's loose there jobs...


Active Member
They could (and should) get control over the cash cow anytime they wanted. Doctor's would not lose their jobs (I mean, cannabis is great, but it's not a cure for everything), they would just start prescribing it more regularly.


Weed Modifier
They could (and should) get control over the cash cow anytime they wanted. Doctor's would not lose their jobs (I mean, cannabis is great, but it's not a cure for everything), they would just start prescribing it more regularly.
And do there real job help the ones that need it more than a cough!! They would have more time to focus on real issues not the sniffles!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who worked the local drug task force (yeah he's a cop, but a good guy). He says one of the biggest hurdles for legalization is the federal money that goes to the DEA for the "War on Drugs". It's billions of dollars and the DEA doesn't want to lose a penny...So, demonize marijuana is their answer.

Kris Rock does a great rant on the pharma's reasons for keeping mother nature illegal.


Active Member
Good on ya ! I have told my doctor that I smoke it for pain and he says it should be legalised. Tell your dad to cut his tablets down nad smoke some weed instead. If he is anything like me I have a high tolerance to medication and after a couple of weeks u end up having more and more. Best he tries to cut down , becasue at the end of the day they are only making drug companies rich. They don't bloody work , if they did we wouldn't need to swallow so many of the little buggers. MDMA is very good for pain as well if u can get good stuff, u only need a tiny bit. The hardest thing I have found is finding a good supply. Good luck with your grow. I am on my first lot and have got cuttings ready for when this first lot crops > Lydia xxx


Active Member
It has got very good medicinal properties though. I know I smoke it for pain. But you can not get it on prescription herein the UK !! :(
So u gotta grow your own :) xx


Well-Known Member
They could (and should) get control over the cash cow anytime they wanted. Doctor's would not lose their jobs (I mean, cannabis is great, but it's not a cure for everything), they would just start prescribing it more regularly.
doctors are by far and wide over paid greedy quacks that got into medicine for the money, not for healing people. here is your proof. name one thing that they have cured. one disease that they have eradicated off the planet.

and marijuana sure as shit cures everything known to man because it cures the mind, even if you are sick you dont notice and you are able to die freely as god intended, not drawn out in some old folks home where you are shitting and pissing yourself because of your 2nd stroke.

modern medicine is a joke. and it sickens me the way people are enamored with it.

my god intended people to just randomly die one day, not chose and draw out their misery with modern medicine and healthcare.
people who are scared of death arent living right.
Mary Jane is a billion dollar hoe that said if its decriminalised they could tax it but like many of us would just grow tons of our own and that would cut them out on millions more, I grow for my own use ( greedy i know but every 1 around here has weak or shitty bud, I'm tired of makin 4hr trips down to NYC to get the goody)


Active Member
Doctors, by trade, are not responsible for creating cures for diseases, that would be medical scientists, so maybe give the doctors a break on that one. Medical science, though, has done quite a bit to get rid of diseases (most of the things you were innoculated for are no longer the huge threat they were), just not many lately. When diseases were acute doctors were more effective, but this is the age of the chronic (disease, not pot consumption), and doctors don't quite have the same magic pill for those.

And while the mind is certainly powerful in healing and untapped by modern medical science, there is no evidence that cannabis "cures the mind." Can it stimulate the mind? Yep. Can it unleash the healing powers of the mind? That is far from proven.


Well-Known Member
Doctors, by trade, are not responsible for creating cures for diseases, that would be medical scientists, so maybe give the doctors a break on that one. Medical science, though, has done quite a bit to get rid of diseases (most of the things you were innoculated for are no longer the huge threat they were), just not many lately. When diseases were acute doctors were more effective, but this is the age of the chronic (disease, not pot consumption), and doctors don't quite have the same magic pill for those.

And while the mind is certainly powerful in healing and untapped by modern medical science, there is no evidence that cannabis "cures the mind." Can it stimulate the mind? Yep. Can it unleash the healing powers of the mind? That is far from proven.
Polio comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
Doctors, by trade, are not responsible for creating cures for diseases, that would be medical scientists, so maybe give the doctors a break on that one. Medical science, though, has done quite a bit to get rid of diseases (most of the things you were innoculated for are no longer the huge threat they were), just not many lately. When diseases were acute doctors were more effective, but this is the age of the chronic (disease, not pot consumption), and doctors don't quite have the same magic pill for those.
And while the mind is certainly powerful in healing and untapped by modern medical science, there is no evidence that cannabis "cures the mind." Can it stimulate the mind? Yep. Can it unleash the healing powers of the mind? That is far from proven.
anything written or preformed artistically was done with the aid of marijuana. it the only way to get rid of outside influences. religion, music, painting, cooking, acting, sex, etc etc. all done best on weed. the pot definitely cures depression and anxiety. depression and anxiety are repressed societal oppressions taking new form in our mind. why would anyone want to commit suicide unless they have murdered someone? exactly.

and call them doctors or medical scientists. they havent cured one diesease. check your facts. they have repressed alot of them, but anytime that you present a vaccine to a virus it adapts to survive.