It hasnt been a day yet can i save the babies?!?

Hey guys im new to this site i could find out how to start a new thread but mine is related.. I have 4.... 1 month old plants that were in a ebb and flow system with a t5 on them feeding them flora series according to the feeding chart. I just changed them into a DWC and my two biggest strongest plants are wilted as F!@# and my lil ones that were kind of taking there time to grow up are all perky and pretty lol. it hasnt even been a day yet and i want to figure out what to do to FIX the problem.. so far i thought maybe i over watered them before i put them in the dwc.. the roots are not that long yet so i was thinking over watering was the problem, so i gently squeezed the rockwools to get most of the water out and now im just stuck here hoping they pull through, what else should i do. info would be much appreciated...Thanks o and my ph is 6.0 i have the T5 2 inches away from the tops a little fan just to keep the stems wiggling a little and two big air stones in my black reservoir... View attachment 1769367View attachment 1769370View attachment 1769368View attachment 1769369
PLZ Help is there still time???


Well-Known Member
Hey guy sorry to hear about your girls. What I suggest you should do is feed them half dose, but a little extra nitrogen to get em back into shape. Make sure the pH always stays between 5.8-6.1.


Well-Known Member
How large are the cubes they are in? Also, how high do you have the waterlevel set in the DWC setup in relation to the bottoms of the netpots? Are there any roots growing out of the cubes?

Good thing is thhye still have great color an should be able to recover. It may just be from the stress of switching systems.
Hopefully... i have then in the big cubes the ones that can fit in the 6 inch net pots they are about half an inch away from the water level in the dwc


Well-Known Member
and the rockwool was completely saturated? What you can do to keep it properly moist without being constantly wet is to lower water level and pour a cup of the rez solution over the cube once it is near to being dry. That way the roots cna breath between waterings and once the roots grow out of the pot, you can bring the water level back up.
yes it was completely wet i gently squeezed the water out til the cube is just damp not wet.... so basically let it dry out a bit.... and that rez solution is kind of out of the story because all the hydro stores are closed until tuesday i dont want them to die : (


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im new to this site i could find out how to start a new thread but mine is related.. I have 4.... 1 month old plants that were in a ebb and flow system with a t5 on them feeding them flora series according to the feeding chart. I just changed them into a DWC and my two biggest strongest plants are wilted as F!@# and my lil ones that were kind of taking there time to grow up are all perky and pretty lol. it hasnt even been a day yet and i want to figure out what to do to FIX the problem.. so far i thought maybe i over watered them before i put them in the dwc.. the roots are not that long yet so i was thinking over watering was the problem, so i gently squeezed the rockwools to get most of the water out and now im just stuck here hoping they pull through, what else should i do. info would be much appreciated...Thanks o and my ph is 6.0 i have the T5 2 inches away from the tops a little fan just to
keep the stems wiggling
a little and two big air stones in my black reservoir... View attachment 1769367View attachment 1769370View attachment 1769368View attachment 1769369
PLZ Help is there still time???
Too much wiggling not enough growing. Too small, root system issue, is your system clean.