Issue in first time making cannabutter


New Member
Hi there,

On Friday I set out to make some cannabutter. I used 1/8 oz sour diesel buds (ground with my pot grinder), two sticks of butter, and about 8 cups of water. I put all of that into my crock pot and simmered on low, stirring occasionally. At some point, I switched it off to the 'warm' setting, in fear of burning the butter/bud. The overall time of this must have been somewhere around 18 or so hours.

I tried eating some butter this morning and I don't feel anything. It's been at least an hour thus far.

My fear is that I didn't let the temperature reach high enough to extract the THC. I measured it a few times throughout the process and it was hovering around 160-180F for quite a while. At some point it got into ~220F.

So what can I do better next time to make it more potent? What did I mess up this time around? Is there anything I can do at this point to salvage anything at all?


Well-Known Member
1/8 of an oz is not enough pot for 2 sticks of butter......that's the problem. The buzz would be barely felt.

I use 2 oz of pot with 2 sticks butter in a double boiler for 3 hours. The butter cooks down to around 1.25 sticks of butter left. I make oatmeal cookies and use 1 stick. I use sativa bud for a long head buzz, indica for the body slam, and a blend of both under depending...


Active Member
I just made my first batch of cannabutter. Used about 400g of butter with approx 25g Afghan kush. Simmered for 3 hours. WOW I haven't smoked in a year and only used a little as spread on top of normal butter. Im talking tiny amount 1:300 ratio in a bagel. I was high for a good 12 hours easy.


Well-Known Member
Lol I would've used a half a stick of butter butter for that 1/8. Two sticks you should be using a 14 grams and up imo. And please use coconut oil. It binds with the goodies in the bud better and your body takes up the coconut oil more readily than butter. You can use coconut oil in any preparation butter is used also.


Well-Known Member
Imo you gotta use more product per stick. I use 1oz per stick.

The best way to make edibles is with decarbed shatter. That way makes super strong edibles because its a lot more concentrated and you can put it in pretty much anything. It takes a lot less of it to wreck you


Well-Known Member
Damn that's strong^ especially considering you don't get the full return of butter and most recipes call for 1/4 cup at least. 1 oz-1stick of butter would be such a waste lol.

I also second the coconut oil recommendation!


Well-Known Member
It works, its super strong butter. I used trim though. Now like I said though I just use decarbed shatter. Best way to make edibles imo. You can make a tootsie roll with 1000mg of thc if you wanted too. Its a lot easier to figure out your dosing when you use shatter.


Well-Known Member
Meh, My edibles with coconut oil are PLeNTY strong with bud, and I don't have to worry about eating butane, no matter how well it is purged. Plus I can make 28 canna caps with 7 grams of bud and 2-3 are enough for a 6 hour high for a light smoker- I take 3-4 depending. The exact mg and servings have already been computed by BadKittySmiles and others.
7 grams of bud is quite a bit cheaper/easier to get than hash of any kind.

I can also give different effects depending on how long I decarb the bud for-wake-n-bake style or knockout night time style.
You can also wash the bud twice-so 1 1/2x final product of the same quality?

I can't imagine anyone but a lifetime smoker being able to to eat more than 1 dose of a 1 oz-1stick of butter ratio lol, I would greenout pretty damn quick

Edit:who would want a tootsie roll that strong lol, I like to eat my edibles, not fear them!


Well-Known Member
We make edibles for a dispensary here in cali, we winterize, purge in the vac oven, decarb then get it tested at the lab to figure out dosing. The winterizing process purges every single ppm of butane. Then the vac purge/decarb removes 99.99 precent of the grain alcohol from the winterizing so that its below the ppm threshold for safe to consume. This is the way the majority of the edible companies make their products. Its the best way to make candies where as using butter/oils you would have to put too much of it in the candy and ruin the recipe.

We use the scraped portion of our run in the extractor to make the food run stuff with. The stuff that pours right out of the extractor goes to making regular shatter and the stuff we have to scrape out goes to be winterized to make the edibles. We use sugar leaf and lower larfy buds to make everything.