ISpire "The Wand" IH Driver - with sealed 100 % Borosilicate Glass path(s)


Well-Known Member

That's no fresh news but i noticed it still didn't seem to make any echoes just yet, so maybe now is as good a time as never i guess:

ISpire launches first of its kind induction heating Enail dab rig (2021-Apr-20)
[ https:// ] (2-parts "Banger Cup" assy.)
Ispire "The Wand" Enail Dab Kit Product Spotlight (2021-Mar-31)
ISpire - The Wand - Borosilicate Dab Kit - Banger Cup accessories [480x270] .PNG
ISpire - The Wand - Borosilicate Dab Kit - Banger Cup accessories
Ispire Wand (2021-Mar-31)
Battery door:​
Original tripod socket:​
Manufacturer's own description:​
« Our Bangers are made from Borosilicate Glass and use inner cups (not to scale) made from the same material that has ferrous metal encased in between two sealed walls of Borosilicate completely sealed away from the dabbing environment and creating absolutely clean and sealed Borosilicate Glass Banger cups. This one of its kind Banger Cups combination is designed to specially heat by induction created by the wand, completely different but more heat efficient and easy to clean than a torch heated banger. »
Well there's no magic.

The trade-off with electromagnetic Induction Heating is to get wireless in exchange for a dependancy on metal and not even any type of alloy in some specific cases. What's nice with IH Drivers is that these can be given a relatively universal (e.g. "compatible") delivery tool interface, actually inspired of 14 & 19 mm (dia.) glassware technology offering plenty of 3rd-party opportunities, one challenge with them being about conceiving undestructible power systems... Yet, essentially it's only a matter of time before IH drivers ain't no major concern anymore. Meanwhile exploration of alternate 3-D workcoil topologies and flux-concentration materials (etc...) has a long way to go, including dualband / multi-core strategies creating auxiliary boiler/evaporator support in case flavours and/or self-moisturization are desired, for example.


A wireless heater element constitutes a great benefit by avoiding any need for interface joints and sealing: all it takes is a glass tube since it conveniently matches a selenoïds own cylindrical 3-D configuration, itself reflected in its associated susceptor shape; the metal part gets completely wrapped/isolated from the consumer's lungs path nonetheless. A purist's dream come true, except for the most paradoxal dilema resulting from a requirement to use an additional borosilicate (glass) layer that happens to block airflow, passing radiant heat practically instantly while also reconverting conductive heat as it moves much more slowly in matter...

Briefly put the paradox issue resides in having either: #1) A full 100 % glass path for purists; #2) Convection heat exchange, although it implies metallic surface-contact in absence of susceptor containment. Both options cannot be reconciled directly as the glass denies airflow and IH driving relies on metal, yet a combination of both objectives may become viable if heat-reconversion delays are manageable - which as a "trade-off" (1 more...) probably comes at the cost of increased power and even perhaps a table-format device.

So by virtue of its IH-Driving nature this particular system offers either some immediately-available radiative/conductive all-glass solution to purists, either the prospect of some future 3rd-party convective-mode accessories, but right now we can't ask for time-tested implementations featured with both.

Anyway i personally hope "protection" is built down into the core resonator loop, for example via series-insertion of a tiny Allegra ACS733 current-sensor chip in order to create enhanced-accuracy "pulse-by-pulse" monitoring/ctrl and more...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
About Allegro's chip:
Hall-effect Current-Sensing Allegro ACS733 - Step Response & Internal Bloc Diagram [640x480] .PNG

Now imagine using a pair of separate/electrically-isolated 3.7 Volts battery cells, each one driving half of a bifilar workcoil featured with its own individual "IFly" sensor:

Current Sensor in Multilevel 3-Phase Flying-Cap. Pwr Inv - iFly measurement [160x300] .PNG
3-Phase 3-level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter design | PART-1 | MATLAB Simulation (2021-Feb-20)

Combined with a multilevel "Flying-Cap" topology as that might solve portability issue(s) related to inductor ("RF Choke") size/weight, especially in pocket scenarios... The lesser 3.7 Volts supply is why i selected a 3.3 Volts chip while having a pair of them raises the total current-sensing range far beyond their intended operation point. As a bonus synchronized magnetic power combination should translate as additional fault-tolerance not possible before, since it may take twice the time to "inject" a "heat charge" on only 1 single power cell but that may prove a lot more foregiving than no heating at all anyway! Besides, it also means less electrical stress put on electrical contacts in presence of a battery compartment, because the workload gets divided evenly until a cell weakens or there's some intermittent contact (e.g. both sides are unlikely to fail together, simultaneously)...

Another advantage of splitting Mazzilli's/Royer ZVS ("dumb" mode driver) in separated halves is that this might open the door to an auto-scaling function implemented by "exciting" the LC resonator loop on one side while "listening" for echoes on the other... It's a concept inspired by analog video (with a brief "colour burst" reference only representing some tiny fraction of 1 single line, not to mention a frame), etc. And with a pair of feedback signals comes the idea of phase/amplitude balance, possibly including phase/quadrature (I/Q) demodulation to wirelessly "scan" for the presence of a compatible susceptor.

At 30 ~ 40 KHz my workcoil could even provide wireless power to LEDs mounted directly on the capsule itself, so the fumet is always made visible during inhalations. Etc, etc...


Good day, have fun!! :peace: