Is water only enough when I put the germinated seeds in rockwool?


I just put the germinated seeds in the rockwools and this is the first time im growing so is putting the rockwool in just water is enough or should I put any nutrients? I have vengetable and flowering nutrients... I am also putting them under light. Should I still keep it under light or should I keep it in the dark? Thx for the help.. Cheers

Smucker G

Active Member
Just water is cool. They dont need light until they break ground.
Good luck. Post some pics when their up


Well-Known Member
Mine are just in rockwool and water 2 in a plastic tub. I really hope they sprout so i cant transplant to soil.


Active Member
like d.s.m said make sure the ph is adjusted properly usually around 5.6-6.0 for smaller ones is where i keep it as for the light just keep it on a regular veg cycle, the only reason someone would recommend nutes is because some think that it will get the roots searching for the food. If anything i would recommend a root enhancer to start them like cutting edge solutions g-rex.