Is using 10-15-10 alright for veg.?


I am wondering if 10-15-10 is alright to start vegging with. What is the ideal numbers for best outdoor veg growth? I just threw them in the ground still wont start to feed for a few weeks but just trying to get the right numbers before feeding.


I an new to all this so I am just tryin some things in my back yard before i start to grow a garden somewhere so if I get anything its better then nothing so any help for a newbie... I've just got 3 growing right now planting early just incase i mess up I can start over again I have Plenty of seeds and I know all about male and female and how to identify them and all the basics i just need the best numbers for outdoor, oh and I am in southern ohio if that matters.
ohio thats all i need to know

I start my seeds in side for the outdoors. right now they are 4 inches tall and getting bigger. this early is still prone to frost and the wild rabbit or deer that love fresh small buds.


haha thats awesome and yeah prone to frost a bit but not much more where i am they say after 4/20 theres rarely frost around where i am and the forcast looks promising so i put em in and they are commin up nice and green so hopfully they dont die if they do i'll just germinate more and hope i get something lol i am just screwing around for now just hoping to get something ya know