Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for exposing the truth that Iran is a big orgy nation that loves peace drugs and singing kumbaya. Oh wait they may chop your fucking head off for that but it's all good.


Well-Known Member
I am saying attacking a country that is no danger to us is ridiculous. Spreading Democracy has been failing since Vietnam, people have to free themselves.
I can agree with you but Iran on our radar has little to do with human rights or "democracy" as you call it. The problem is with extreme fundamentalist that support killing non-believers having nuclear capabilities. Not a danger indeed.


Well-Known Member
I can agree with you but Iran on our radar has little to do with human rights or "democracy" as you call it. The problem is with extreme fundamentalist that support killing non-believers having nuclear capabilities. Not a danger indeed.
How many non-believers have they killed, nopenis?


But...the reason those in other countries don't like us is because they are jealous of our freedom and way of life.
"freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose"
so you guys are either too poor or too inprison


Active Member
its all about money, oil equals money, we go to war with tax money because the profiteers that run the gubment say so. ie cheney, bush 1 and 2, countless others I don't know of, It would be crazy talk if it wasnt true


Well-Known Member
I can agree with you but Iran on our radar has little to do with human rights or "democracy" as you call it. The problem is with extreme fundamentalist that support killing non-believers having nuclear capabilities. Not a danger indeed.
Might want to read the history of how those extremists came to power...we caused it, now we have to fight our own mess?

They nationalized oil owned by BP in 1951 as the company was seen as exploitative, so we(lead by britain) overthrew their government back in 1953 and created the current sentiments against us when they overthrew our propped up dictator we planted in THEIR country.


Well-Known Member
I am a smart person. I am a determined person. All my neighbors have firearms and each time I try to make one for myself they turn my water off or my electricity and they tell me I can't have a firearm. I know if I were to lay my hands on a firearm they would no longer be able to extort me as they are doing now.

Does anyone actually not believe that eventually I will indeed get a firearm and do you not believe that when I do I will be so pissed off that I will at the very least threaten everyone in the neighborhood rather than simply allow myself to be accepted in the local gun owners club? - that same club that didn't want me to be a member in the first place ?

And sure, I told Fred down the street that he deserved to die. So what?


Well-Known Member
I am a smart person. I am a determined person. I imprison and execute people for their beliefs. I execute people for their sexual preference. I think very little of women and their rights. I have been caught giving fire arms to terrorist and encouraging their destructive behavior. All my neighbors have firearms and each time I try to make one for myself they turn my water off or my electricity and they tell me I can't have a firearm. I know if I were to lay my hands on a firearm they would no longer be able to extort me as they are doing now.

Does anyone actually believe that eventually I will indeed get a firearm and do you not believe that when I do I will be so pissed off that I will at the very least threaten everyone in the neighborhood rather than simply allow myself to be accepted in the local gun owners club? - that same club that didn't want me to be a member in the first place ?

And sure, I told Fred down the street that he deserved to die. So what?
Sounds very strange why anyone would discourage them from having nuclear capabilities.