is this setup okay as far as lights and stuff

Can someone please reply if this is okay i dont wanna kill it it looks okay but please help me there is 1 250watt mh light and 4 24 watt t5 lights on 2 planted seeds and 1 plant in veg stage also have another one to the side with a 42 watt cflphoto-5.jpg

i have a 250watt mh light on with 4 24watt t5 lights and 4 blue led its all in that one fixture its pretty nice and i quickly put together an exhaust cause it was getting to hot, how is this looking please comment suggestions and ideas im more and willing to give them a try let me know as soon as possible thanks again and take a look at the picture thanks again


Im only going off what I can see. So correct me if I'm just seeing it wrong but you need to keep it dark when the lights are off. It looks like your ducting is running through and doing so keeping your door open. So need to fix that. next I cant really see in too far but you need some ventilation. At least an oscillating fan. Your T5 is kind of high so make sure your plants do not start to stretch. If they do, lower the light. (To check if your light is to close you put your hand above the top of the plants and you can feel if its hot or not) Hopefully your running your lights that are all in that room on the same light schedule. Hope this helps a little.


ok then just try and keep the same light schedule with both lights. and try and keep it as dark as possible when the light is off.


Well-Known Member
your in veg, just run your lights 24 hours. can you not get all the plants under the one t5 light? Why are you vegging with both of the lights?


Well-Known Member
The T5 light at 24" is just gutless, ok for germing and early veg, but thats just it, the best T5 is the 3' or 4' ft one with 4-6 tubes otherwise go get a 400 or 600w Mh/hps, these new lights go Mh to hps at the flick of a switch, the 250Mh is more heat than light but great to light up a mother plant

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
put some reflective panels around the area under your light to capture as much of it as possible. most people would suggest mylar because it's the most reflective, but it's very directional and i still say that flat whit is better because it diffuses light better. i keep saying some day i'm going to set up a system and measure the light using both materials and/or take a pic that shows how much each material reflects on the grow area. if you ever look at pics that show mylar, the side walls look almost black where whit materials look so much brighter. if you want to be in a REALLY dark room, make a 4 sided "hall of mirrors" where the light keeps bouncing around forever directionally.


Well-Known Member
please comment suggestions and ideas
Actually the first thing I thought when I saw your picture was you need to get something down to protect what looks to be a nice hardwood floor. If your a renter you'll lose your security deposit. If your an owner you'll just fuck up your own floor.

Just sayin'

And ditto what Jack H said. I bought bright white and they shot a ton more titanium pigment in and it's blinding.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
you know it, i know it, and i'm pretty sure jorge cervantes knew it in the 80s, but try telling it to people who think because mirrors reflect the most light in one direction, that that equals the best coverage. i will attempt to provide CONCRETE STFU evidence for that. if nothing else, i know from personal experience that if you forget to turn a fan on, mylar bubble wrap insulation will give your plants hot spot burns that kill them! flat white will spread the light out more evenly.

i'm glad to see that there are still people here that understand that even though mirrors might reflect 99% or more of the light that hits them, they can only reflect it at whatever angle it strikes the surface creating serious coverage issues unless you build a complicated fresnel reflector that compensates for light angles like this kind of

simple white does the job much better. YES, white DOES absorb maybe 10% or even 20% of the light that hits it, but it radiates that light in all directions so light that hits what WOULD be a "shadow area" on a directional mirror ALSO gets radiated to every spot in the garden. flat white = no hot spots or shadow zones and more even light distribution. now it just remains to be proven either photographically in a side by side, or with a light meter on a bunch of spots in the "grow area".

the speckled texture inside at least some hoods like my favorite luminaires is there to DIFFUSE the light in the same way flat white does, but with a higher level of efficiency.

some people just have a hard time seeing past their intuition and taking the big picture into effect. mylar IS the most efficient reflective material, but ONLY where the light hits it at an angle aimed at your plants while much of the reflection goes elsewhere and is wasted.
i have a 250watt mh light on my veg plant and on the side i have a 42 watt cfl on a planted seed because i wanna make sure the light is getting to the plant because i feel the t5 are enough light so just kinda seeing which ones germinate faster but, the lights are on the same scheduel but i move the bigger one when i turn the light off for 6 hours and leave just the cfl and t5's on the germinating seeds because i give them 24 hours of light instead of 18/6 you know what i mean?
your in veg, just run your lights 24 hours. can you not get all the plants under the one t5 light? Why are you vegging with both of the lights?
i have 4 24 watt t5s and there is a 250watt mh light in the middle should i just put all the pots on the floor and let them all get the same light, im just trying to make sure its enough light ?
there is a 250watt mh light on that fixture thats what im using is a 250watt mh light and 4 24 watt t5 lights is that good to just put all the plant and pots under those?


Well-Known Member
Honestly some more pics would help. I see one fixture with blue light. i see a sliver of what looks to be another fixture with orange light. Heance confusion. take like 10 shots from every angle that you can. I dont know if its just me, but im lost.