Is This Root Rot?

I am in DWC(well R-DWC) and water temps have been at like 78-80 usually. Most pf my plants werent doing so well because ambeitnt emps aere like 85 90, until i got an aircooled hood and 6" vortex to exhaust out. Now ambient tems stay at EXACTLY 80 allll day. but res temps are also 80. is this root rot? i left for two days and came back to this huge mass of roots, but they arent slimey and dont really smell bad? I just bought a 1/10HP chiller that i will install tomorrow but what do you think? Could it just be the nutes changing the color? since they live int he solution? weird enough this specific plant seemsto be thriving the most, the others arent growing as fast, but are growing. ph at 6.0, ppm around 780 3 weeks veg from clone.



Well-Known Member
Hi, Looks like your root system may be going south, on it's way atleast.
But on 2nd thought, that shot isn't too clear for me. Some root looks white and others looks a little creamy/brown. Maybe just bad lighting in that photo.
I mean, looks like you got some creaminess going on, and that is one of the first signs of root rot. Go ahead and put the root very close to your face and smell, if it smells a little like dirt, yup, you got rot going on. I know you said it doesn't stink, but when b4 rot sets in, it can start slow and the odor is not very noticeable, but it might be there. GL with that shit, if the plant isn't too young, normally you can trim away the rotting crap, and fix your res water temps. I run mine around 65 all day, and when I had 80\s before, I got rotted within a week. GL


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really look like it to me. One thing I noticed when I had root problems, rot and slime, was large spikes in pH. Would go from 5.8 to 7.4 in a day. I ended up going with a Microbe Tea and went from this to this in 10 days. Now I have basketball sized root balls.

I am the Slime.jpgRoots Healed.jpg
they are mostly white, but some (small part of it) is brown, but that part isnt even in the water, maybe i can cut that part off?


Active Member
you're water temps are WAY too high! you want to keep them in the low 60s if possible. anything over 70 is just asking for problems.
ya thats the problem im having, just spent 400 on a chiller but because of the waterfarm design, it doesnt circulate fast enough... :( res tempa are 65 but by the time it reaches the last bucket its 75 :(


Well-Known Member
hey Droman, how are the roots today? if you can bother to put one more better pic of the roots up, that might get a unanimous decision from us viewers... I used some liquid nutes that were coffee, they stained the roots a little bit before, but if you've ever caught rot before, you will notice the fine line difference between some nute color and rotties. You have to try to smell the funk, sometimes I let the root touch my nose almost, to really be sure there is no *dirt* smell or earth smell, that particular smell would be the breakdown odors caused by some dyin roots. And by the way, you can get some root damage, but your plant may not die. I think you can get it under control man.
right , hence my issues.....i cannot upgrade my is an air pump and if i put more air through it it actually circulates less. i want a way to put a water pump through this but the lines dont allow enoughw ater. so if i used a water pump even 180gph its going to ioverflow
ah i think ive seen your other post... you need to upgrade your pump and/or driplines it seems...


Well-Known Member
Not the worst I have seen, but those roots are definitely crying out for help. I recommend adding more bubbles for circulation; you may be developing pockets of anaerobic water. Id send back the chiller and make some tea; you'll see a quick turn around. See my signature for the recipe I use.
so after gettinga good solution of circulating the cold water, the roots touching the new chilled water are crystal white! but the other parts ares tilla b it brown so i will cut them off(just the ones that are brwon)
i skimmed it for sure. but the chiller is now making the environment perfect for the roots so now its time ito try and save the other roots that were brownish. what d you think about h202? or hygrozyme.


Well-Known Member
i skimmed it for sure. but the chiller is now making the environment perfect for the roots so now its time ito try and save the other roots that were brownish. what d you think about h202? or hygrozyme.
It is my understanding that if you do have any bad stuff growing on your roots, the bad stuff will thrive off of that stuff. I tried h202 at first and it made my problem much worse real fast. I can only suggest the tea. It's magic.