Is this ready to chop down


Id say take a tester but its so small. 12/12 from seed?
well that is because its a clone i doint small ones in solo cups so there are more of them .. it seems this strain is real slow but the ice and the other strains finish much faster and have way more sugar on them


Well-Known Member
Thanks thats what i was thinking sheezz this plant is slow been in budding for over 9 weeks
not even close man.
you have at least another ten days or more, it's probably stunted, and thus flowering slowly, a solo cup isn't much room man... I'd bet my wallet that if you did them in at least half gals you'd double your yields...
a wise old grower once told me
"if you think it's ready, wait another week"
Damn good advice.

phil k

Well-Known Member

if your fan leaves aren't yellow as hell your not ready... but you need to have a scope man... never pick a plant till you see 20% brown trichomes... the thc levels haven hit... terepens and flavors don't hit till that exact time... never EVER EVER grow or harvest on a time line... always scope your trichromes..

phil k

Well-Known Member
you can see the yellowing just starting thats when the trichromes just started to amber.

phil k

Well-Known Member
that specific one was harvested maybe 5 days after it should have been but your fans should always be yellow.


Well-Known Member
your fans should never ever be green when you harvest if they are your pulling too early
i do not mind a slight fade during the colder months some leaves turn red/yellow
leaves shaded in the center of the plant will also yellow and drop ,but all the leaves in direct light will remain dark green until harvest, i like to see the plants green from start to finish

did you flush or withhold food towards the end of the grow ?


Well-Known Member
i do not mind a slight fade during the colder months some leaves turn red/yellow
leaves shaded in the center of the plant will also yellow and drop ,but all the leaves in direct light will remain dark green until harvest, i like to see the plants green from start to finish

did you flush or withhold food towards the end of the grow ?
from my experience the indicas strains tend to stay more green at the end, but the sativa hybrids will typically yellow like what he is describing.
organics also tend to bring out some weird shades, reds, yellows..
here are a couple examples.


phil k

Well-Known Member
i do not mind a slight fade during the colder months some leaves turn red/yellow
leaves shaded in the center of the plant will also yellow and drop ,but all the leaves in direct light will remain dark green until harvest, i like to see the plants green from start to finish

did you flush or withhold food towards the end of the grow ?
no i don't use any chemicals i water my plants thats is... Kind soil is my company.. its what our soil program is about.. but being green start to finish means nothing other than early harvest... sorry but your plant hasn't stopped uptake.... marijuana isn't a annual plant.. its biological genetics die once flower is active unless reverted.. once flower is initiated.. theres a lock out point where your roots stop uptake and focus on flower protection.. thats why trichromes are on a cannabis plant there are formed to protect the flower... which in return (the flower is supposed to protect the seeds for the restart next season.... its a life line.. regardless of what you do your plant goes into a death stage once flower hits a certain point...thats when fan leaves start to yellow... any earlier your plant still is in up take and the trichromes haven't had time to properly grow

phil k

Well-Known Member
from my experience the indicas strains tend to stay more green at the end, but the sativa hybrids will typically yellow like what he is describing.
organics also tend to bring out some weird shades, reds, yellows..
here are a couple examples.
and yes hybrids tend to yellow much more than non hybrids.. but all your fans should have a yellow hue .... a green plant is like picking a green tomato.....


Well-Known Member
no i don't use any chemicals i water my plants thats is... Kind soil is my company.. its what our soil program is about.. but being green start to finish means nothing other than early harvest... sorry but your plant hasn't stopped uptake.... marijuana isn't a annual plant.. its biological genetics die once flower is active unless reverted.. once flower is initiated.. theres a lock out point where your roots stop uptake and focus on flower protection.. thats why trichromes are on a cannabis plant there are formed to protect the flower... which in return (the flower is supposed to protect the seeds for the restart next season.... its a life line.. regardless of what you do your plant goes into a death stage once flower hits a certain point...thats when fan leaves start to yellow... any earlier your plant still is in up take and the trichromes haven't had time to properly grow
whats in your soil recipe?
Just curious...
I just checked out your website, similar to subcools design (with the layered soil, that is)
I agree with a lot of your principles but disagree about some as well..


Well-Known Member
no i don't use any chemicals i water my plants thats is... Kind soil is my company.. its what our soil program is about.. but being green start to finish means nothing other than early harvest... sorry but your plant hasn't stopped uptake.... marijuana isn't a annual plant.. its biological genetics die once flower is active unless reverted.. once flower is initiated.. theres a lock out point where your roots stop uptake and focus on flower protection.. thats why trichromes are on a cannabis plant there are formed to protect the flower... which in return (the flower is supposed to protect the seeds for the restart next season.... its a life line.. regardless of what you do your plant goes into a death stage once flower hits a certain point...thats when fan leaves start to yellow... any earlier your plant still is in up take and the trichromes haven't had time to properly grow
if you used some nutes they might stay green ?