Is this product harmful to a soils microbial life?


Well-Known Member
GH FloraBlend Vegan Plant Booster 0.5-1-1
Derived from:
Alfalfa meal, brewers yeast, cottonseed meal, potassium sulfate, rock phosphate, sea kelp, soybean meal
Bottle says 100% plant and mineral based contains no animal derived ingredients.

The only thing that is a salt is the pottasium sulfate. Everything else in the ingredients sounds good, right? Would this be harmful to a soils life?
Potassium sulfate is also known as sulfate of potash, also a mined mineral and while you could technically refer to it as a salt by itself, it doesn't appear to be the in the product at any high concentration given that the total potash is 1%.
So this should be a reasonably safe product to use? Would it be ok to use during flowering since sulfate of potash is a source of sulfur?
Yes, that would be fine to use at any growth stage during an organic grow. Just remember, less is (usually) more. Start with perhaps 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dosage and see how your plants respond.

Yes, the risk of nutrient burn is lower with organics, but that doesn't mean you can't throw off the nutrient balance by haphazardly adding things without keeping the big picture (balance!) in mind.
Stuff is great, it will always have a place on my shelf. I use it from seedling stage all the way through flowering. It is very mild and it has little pieces of organic material in it, which is great food for the microbs.
Thanks, I have a bottle of it from nutes I thought I needed when I began this adventure. It can be pretty difficult to dicern what's what when it comes to garden supplys. Sometimes I wish the labels would say what it is, instead of trying to make it look cool.