Is this plant healthy? Looks too bushy, and new leaves are shooting vertically


Hi all,

I'm a first time grower, I have a plant that looks kinda healthy but the new leaves now when they start to grow they shoot up like vertically and then just in a few days it goes to horizontal position. Is it because my plant is too bushy? Or this is normal and thats how it goes...

Also the tip of the 2 lower leaves are starting to yellow.

I have fed em with nutes just 2 times, monday they will be 3 weeks old. I grow under CFL's

Thank you all



Well-Known Member
How often are you watering? And what kinda soil is this plant in? And what nutrients are you using? What is the humidity like? Are you spraying with a water bottle? Looking like nitrogen is too high. And the leafs do this to transpire moisture off if it is to hot or if moisture is too high. Let the soil dry out. And don't use nutrients high in nitrogen till the green fades a little. If the plant is 3 weeks old it maybe stunted or a slow growing strain. The roots are going to limit how big this plant gets and how fast it grows to a great degree. Repotting into a bigger container may get this plant growing again. But that just my opinion. good luck


Active Member
Looks like a healthy starter's not bushy at all though. It's just starting and you could get it really bushy by putting it under a good light. CFL's will grow it but not crazy like some like it. Keep it really close to the lights.


Well-Known Member
when the leaves first emerge form the top yes they do come out vertical its all normal, your plant is going to get a FUCKLOAD mroe bushier than it is at the moment
heres a few tips
keep ur cfl's about 1-2 inches form your plant (make sure you could hold ur hand where your plants are for hours without it hurting, and it will be safe for your leaves)
transplant it into a bigger pot, it will grow bigger better and quicker
lay off on the nutes for 1-2 weeks, make sure it isnt a slow realease fertilizer, your edging into the nitrogen overdose level. (once u browse the forum abit u will be able to tel how ur leaves are a darker green then they should) the first 2 little round leaves naturally die off, its natural that they are begining to yellow
also get it into some better soil


My soil is 40% vermiculite 40% coconut soil and 20% of worm casting. I used nutes of 12 2 9, but still dilluted 1/4 of what the bottle say. I water 2 in 2 days, temp maximum is 85F but normally 80-82, I can't change light is a pc growbox so I need to use CFLs no other options... No money to buy LEDs as well.

Should I flush the soil?

I water with tap water but it sits for more then 3 days before I use so the clorine evaporates

There still plenty of room to the roots to grow I know because i changed from a black vase to a white one to avoid light waste due to black color and I could barely see the roots


Well-Known Member
no you dont need to flush the soil, just dont use nutes until you can see that ur leaves arent such a dark green
how many watts of cfl have you got?


Hi I have 3 x 27watts on a really small pc growbox. 2 White and one warm white. The box is reflective as hell. I cant fit in any other lamp in there.

Here it is



Man.... Now the leaves have brown marks on it... I dunno if its over nutes... Something is wrong...

The main stem is angled because i was kinda like LSTing but I believe its not that what caused the brown marks...



Well-Known Member
hey, it kind of appears to be over nutes, but, it seems to be only on the leafs that are pointed close to the lights so it could be a burn??
is this possible with how close ur lights are / temps???


I would back of nutes for a while just tap water and light she'll come around =D. I didnt see a fan and how warm does the oulet get in the grow box looks as if its right next to the lights. Temp?
Man.... Now the leaves have brown marks on it... I dunno if its over nutes... Something is wrong...

The main stem is angled because i was kinda like LSTing but I believe its not that what caused the brown marks...
i don't believe its nutrients your beginning to fry them i just had the same problem and pics look very identical thought it was magnesium but really just my cfl because it may not be hot to you when your hand is there for a minute but if it was there 18-24 hours it dam sure would be lol
just because you have a cfl doesn't mean that you should be a couple inches away thats what i thought
i have a 65 watt cfl (equiv 300 watts) i backed off 11-12 inches and she is doing much better
a couple of sprays of water will do you some justice the leaves curling up are sure signs of heat stress!



I think its due to nutes, I keep my plant more then 6 inches away from the lamp the temperature is about 82F. Today the bottom leaves are yellowish, and if it was light burn just the top ones would be damaged.

Thats why I asked before. Should I flush the soil? Or just leave without adding any nutes? How often to water, I let it without water for 3 days and it does'nt show signs of needs of water maybe if I leave it for 4 days or more it ''asks'' for water, but still never seen that, I currently water one day and leave 2 days without water...

To Smartt: The cooling is made by 2 x 39cfm pc coolers, that box close to the lights is the light trap.
my light burn didn't start at the top actually the middle...and i believe that whats going on with your bottom leaves is normal


Well-Known Member
Nah man yout plant looks absolutely fine IMO. I don't really know if you can have a plant that is 'too bushy' so to speak. I mean there could be to many branches so there's not enough airflow through the plant, but I mean, I personally don't really think you can make a plant 'TOO bushy'...

All my plants are bushes!