Is this normal??


Well-Known Member
ok I have 2 females one WW and one crystal, there two days shy of 3weeks..and on my WW I noticed some of the hairs have already turned red and shriveled you think its been polleneated?? I had a male plant in a separate closet and even if the pollen got out the door when I opened it there is this intake that sucks in air for the a/c and heat to operate..I almost always have that fan on 95% of the time....Do you think its pollenated or is this normal???


Well-Known Member
not all hairs stay white, be careful about male pollen even on your clothes or hands. i did some breeding this spring and ended up breeding with alot more buds. the pollen spores are easily transported from your clothes with fans


Well-Known Member
First of all did you germinate from seeds or are these clones? If clones they are as old as the mother plant was at time of cloning.


Well-Known Member
there from seed...and I was being careful with the male...I didnt even touch it really and I certainly didnt brush up against it...On my last grow my plant started having some hairs turn early 2 but it was like week 3 1/2 to 4 I'm only just starting the third week so thats why I kinda got worried