Is this normal yellowing for 2.5wks into 12/12


Active Member
Is this normal yellowing for 2.5 weeks into 12/12 lighting schedule?

I think I may have a K(potassium) deficiency.

Soil is MG w/ moisture control, steer manure compost and sphagnum moss. Nutes are Alaska Morbloom organic fish emulsion 0-10-10.

Lights 1000W MH

Water 6.5pH irrigation

Strain is XXXskunk

replanted 4 days ago at 45* angle and tied to ceiling.

Closeup of a yellowing leaf

And one of the baby buds for your time :)

Any help is great.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are huge. Neve used Mg soil before could not give you my thoughts. Good luck till you finish.


Active Member
Have you tried supplementing with some guano? Plants are using the most energy they will their whole life at this point and some extra nutrients could take care of those yellow leaves. I would also trim a lot of those smaller growths if you want to have nice fat colas, that's just my preference.

Looking good!


Active Member
I dont have access to any real good nutes here, but on my next go round I will.

I am using the Alaska Morbloom 0-10-10, in addition to the .5-.5-.5 steer manure compost. I wish I had something better :(

Thanks for the confirmations, I just wanted to make sure this was OK and my plants werent going to shrivel up and die :-/