Is this nitrogen deficiency


Im growing a cbd crack auto from fast buds
Shes at 5 weeks now

during the last week ivv been told she had nitrogen toxisity, nitrogen deficiency light burn and I dont know what else

I just flushed and shes definitely better than a week ago but theres still a lot of calwing and the bottom leaves have started turning yellow and it seems it going up



Well-Known Member
Could be
When I flushed the soil was still moist but I didnt think it was a problem
I would just push forward, and assume so. If you let them go 2 days between watering, give it 3 days.. OR you can let it go until it wilts from being dry… then you will know how long it can go.


Well-Known Member
My experience with flushing soil has always resulted in a complete swing to severely hungry in a week to 10 days.
This is one of many reasons why I grow cannabis in coco. :bigjoint: