is this nice or nah


Well-Known Member
pretty nice for cfl's. looks like you have a sativa plant growing there. its going to get pretty big so you probably want to start flowering now, if you haven;t already started.


Well-Known Member
not good or bad, just bigger than the other type, indica, that is typically grown indoors while sativa is typically grown outside. no problem growing inside if you have the space.


Well-Known Member
Sure, sativa's fine . . . generally a more high high than most Indica. Sativa's take up to twice as long to ripen.


Active Member
what do u mean i want to start flowering now? how can i control it? i give it 12/12 and there has been tiny little buds wit hairs comin out growen all over but there not getting much bigger


Well-Known Member
if you're using a 12/12 lighting schedule, then you are already flowering. it takes quite awhile for the buds to grow, and they are only going to get so big using cfl's. as said earlier, sativa takes longer to mature.


Active Member
oh with these lights i have 2 23 wat fl up top and the bottom 1 is a 32 wat fl
and the other 2 in the middle are also 23 wat fl do u think the buds will eventually be nice? or should i get different types of lights. if so what kind of lights and wattage would u recomend? thnx


Active Member
well if you give it twelve hours of light a day it should start to flower. only probblem that im willing to bet u have is that during the 12 hours that the light isnt on, the plant needs to be in complete darkness. otherwise the plant will be to confused about wtf is going on to bud. u need to simulate its budding season by doing the 12 light/12 complete darkness... and i mean u dont even wont a crack of light disturbing them in darkness period.
and try moving the light a lil further from the plant looks like ur cooking a few leaves
and sativa marijuana is definitely not bad. is has a good upper high to it usually.
but honestly with a plant like urs id put the light on it for 16-18 hours a day for another 3-4 weeks to keep it in vegitative state,but thats just me. i like getting my plants to a decent yeilding size b4 flowering stage.


Active Member
for the 12 hours of dark it is in complete darkness cuz its closed in my closet and no light can get in


Active Member
if u really want ur plant to take off keep some of your fluorescent lights and get a good MH light and put a fan faced and blowing on the plant... lol u dont need to simulate a wind storm but just good enough ventilation to keep the light from overheating ur plant wich will almost completely stop alll plant growth if they get over heated. and buy some bloom nutrients to make ur buds as buky and potent as u can.....well any way best of luck to u


Active Member
ive actually been using plant bloom for a month or so now slowly increasing the amount i use on it and what kind of MH light. anykind? cuz they have a ton of different wattages.


Well-Known Member
you dont want to use mh if you are are already into the flower stage, i would leave it alone and keep doing what you are doing....this is your first grow and will be more of a learning experience than a killer attention to what you do and how the plant reacts to it, take notes and will end up with knowledge and some herb to smoke....your girl looks nice and healthy so you are doing good so far.....getting a few more cfls on it and a small oscilating fan to put in there for circulation wouldnt hurt either....also, the best investment i have made is the indoor/outdoor growers bible by jorge cervantes....jorge is kind of a douche...but the book is really informative and will answer almost every question that you have......:joint::mrgreen: