is this my marijuana plant?

Germinated and planted bag seed and this is what I got a few weeks later. It was in the same place I planted the seed but this plant doesnt seem to look very bushy or much like marijuana leaves.IMG_0204.jpgIMG_1138.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's a Maple (Acer ssp). Shame it's not a Japanese one (Acer palmatum) as they are worth some money. Flowering time is short too.
Shame about the 500 weeks of veg time!


Ursus marijanus
Could be a sugar maple! (Yay! Sugar leaves!)
Or a rock maple. (Stoooooony.)
Or birdseye maple (for a higher perspective).
So don't abandon ALL hope.
(But don't use molasses. A violent reaction could ensue.)


Well-Known Member
It must be that time of year, people posting maple shots all over. I still think it would be funny if someone guarded one until it was like 8 feet tall and then posted pictures asking when to harvest...could you imagine lol. thread something like "10k grow room 8 foot poss. sativa monster!!! need help is she done!?"


Well-Known Member
It must be that time of year, people posting maple shots all over. I still think it would be funny if someone guarded one until it was like 8 feet tall and then posted pictures asking when to harvest...could you imagine lol. thread something like "10k grow room 8 foot poss. sativa monster!!! need help is she done!?"
You're cruel. Lol.


Well-Known Member
you know, I have heard the timber industry is constantly holding back the hemp industry..could they be going so far as to switching out seeds now too? haha lmao


Well-Known Member
lol sorry to do this at your expense, OP, but I needed a laugh. This made me lol quite literally. Sorry man, thanks for the laughs haha


Well-Known Member
IDK... looks like the legendary Duckfoot indica.
Don't knock the duck foot mutation.

If you check out my pics, I had a mutie that started out with it, if I had of been smart I would have cloned the fuck outta it until I found a father with a similar trait and bred them untill I formed an entire plant with that as it's dominant trait