Is this MALE?


Can someone tell me if this is a male plant its been in flower for a week just wondering if anyone can tell cause I've never came across a male plant yet.

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Well-Known Member
What my betters are trying to say in case you have not figured it out is they cant tell yet and neither can you, wait two weeks and try..... again beware of ballzzzzzzzzzzzz


Its in with my females that have already started flowering idk if it can change the sex now but that was my biggest concern. All the rest were feminized I just found that one seed in some bud so I vegged it alone and started flowering it alone but I have inspection this week and had to hide it and only place was with the females. I'll check it in a few more days and see what happens and update pics

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Well-Known Member
either i have gone blind or picture is blur
dude where not takeing the piss here its just to early to see for sure so best to wait.
its easy to say its a male only to get shut and it be female just wait it will show its sex once in flower.
One tip that i will give ya is i know femanised seeds seem easy to grow but take my word for it get into
growing regular seeds that way ya can pull males and keep a choosen mother for has long has you like never keep a mother of
fem seeds i dont care how stable a seed company say they are they will still turn at some point.