is this light suitable?


Well-Known Member
hi there, long time lurker, first time poster, second time grower!

im looking to grow a couple of plants for personal use, ive done lots of research, just ordered some aurora indicia seeds, and i was just about to buy some lights when i remembered a powerful lamp left in the shed from the previous owners of this house. see pics:

i cant tell what kind of light it is, the blub itself is 500w and works fine, kicks out ALOT of light and is also fairly hot (will have to hang it at least 1.5/2 foot away from the plants i think.)

so what do you think? have i just saved myself a few quid by finding this or is it unsuitable? theres also a glass protector just behind those metal bars, do you think it will be best to leave that off? i think the light may have been one of those motion sensitive security lights, but im not sure.

any advice would be most welcome, thanks alot, and also thanks for all the interesting threads in the past! i intend on making a photo log of my grow to post on the forums (i'll probably just upload it all at once when im finished rather than bit by bit.) :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn, thought i had saved myself a few quid there! i think im gonna try out a CFL setup to keep the heat and energy consumption down.