Is this legit? If so I'm quitting my day job


New Member
Hey guys I just stumbled on this vid from the ol tube, it mentions weed and money so it caught my glazed af eyes and made me think fo a second

I'm pretty skeptical on this type of shit but an ol dog like me can surely at least give it a try

The foolish side of me thinks it might just work but I don't think so for rollitup like this dude is mentionin

I reckon if anything Facebook groups might be where it's at cuz a friend of mine told me he was making $400 a month or something like that dropping a few comments a month for a lighting company on it and all that jazz so I have some faith

the wise side of me is saying tho what if this don't work and I just wasted my unrefundable life energy into something the internet promised me yet again.. my heart can only take so much

Anyway dudes and dudettes, this is the vid

upto y'all if ya wanna waste time on it, I guess it's a bit of entertainment at the end of the day but yea

stay blazed fam, peace ✌️
Whada fuck?