Is this healthy??? help please.

My white widow plant is almost a month old, nice green broad leaves, has been under CFLS since sprout until 2 days ago, then i upgraded to a 400W MH system, non air cooled hood, have a stand up fan blowing nice amount of air in keeping temps around 78-82. Heard to keep away around 2-3 feet until plant gets comfortable then move to around a foot away no closer. Also have heard its safe as long as i put my hand on the top of plant and heat from light is comfortable, which is where i have my light around a little under 2 feet (22 inch Range) 30 mins after i moved in my leaves started perking up big time and stems and branches are lifting upward, no signs of heat stress (leaves cupping, curling inward) but plant is sticking up pretty tall.... wondering if this is normal because of more intense light? will plant gradually move downward to a steady level? help please! pictures posted below

