is this flowering time (PIC)

hehe first time for me u can

so its automatic plant so i idont change light cycle so i wonder if this picture is a sign of flowering or if it still in vegetation phase ? to mel ook like flower but i want to be sure so i can give the adequate nutes to the plant ! Thanks
you dont need to mess with autos, they will finish all by themselves, dont worry and just let it run its course.

also autos dont have a vegetative stage, they are straight into flower from day 1.


Well-Known Member
yes your in the flowering stage....

not sure what the jesus of cannabis is talking about but of course auto's go through a vegatative stage, its not verry long and usually over by week 3-4. Now would be a good time to start your bloom nutes regiment with whatever lineup your feeding.
yes your in the flowering stage....

not sure what the jesus of cannabis is talking about but of course auto's go through a vegatative stage, its not verry long and usually over by week 3-4. Now would be a good time to start your bloom nutes regiment with whatever lineup your feeding.
so take an auto and keep it in veg state for awhile and see what happens, they will start to flower on their own.

As far as the autoflowering is concerned, the plant technically doesn't have a vegetative period, but those first 3 weeks or so, since there are no flowers, is vegetative. What is truly meant by saying they don't vegetate mean that you can't keep them in a vegetative state no matter how many hours of light you give them, whereas the other "normal" strains can be kept vegetating for years if you keep the light levels long enough. Basically, you can't stop the autoflowers from flowering. It's set in motion from the moment the plant germinates. This is the same reason that autoflowers can't be cloned. The clone would be the exact same age as the mother plant, and would begin flowering ASAP. The problem with that is that since the plant would be tiny and would end it's flowering cycle at the same time as the mother, I doubt you would get any nugs worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
i know you cant control the change but that dosent mean they dont go through both stages. thats like saying when a person is born they are already sexually mature because you cant controll when they hit sexual maturity. I understand what your saying but by stating they dont go through a vegatative stage is incorrect because they do in fact go through a short vegatative stage.

as long as the light isnt burning the plant its fine.
i am now at 16 inch from the light with 400Watt ballast is dimmable to 600W should i put it to 600W for the last flowering period...i mean like now till the end!?!

more light more bud? no?