Is this cola ok?

I’ve had an issue with space so the plant has definitely had some light damage but she’s back as far as I can pull her now and I’ve angled the fan to try keep her cooler. Has she mutated or something? This is the top of the main cola.
She’s a Royal Cheese Auto from RQS, under a 400w light in a hempy bucket. Being fed Coco A+B. Setup was basically thrown together but works, harvest an Auto NL last weekend and she was 425g wet.



Well-Known Member
It'll smoke but I agree that the structure isn't that desirable. Genetics would be my guess.


Well-Known Member
Did you have any issues with light cycle during flower? Looks sorta like it started to reveg a tad in the middle of flower.
No issues really late but they had a poor start to life for sure. Growing conditions haven’t been perfect but not bad either. The rest of the plant looks fine, actually doing pretty well.