Is this cheap pH/light/moisture teaster good?


'3 in 1 Hydroponic Soil Moisture Light PH Meter Tester'

Ok, heres the story (short).
Ive recently built my closet grow room now and running low on funds, ive placed my seeds inside my pots, now im unsure about the pH levels. its Nutriented compost, so i will proerly have a little acidic take to it but i want to be sure.

Heres the link: Click Me

Thanks for your help guys :)


Well-Known Member
I'm using it in my garden, works perfect and is all you need for soil grows, besides an EC


ok thanks dude, is it accurite on the ph scale too? because i went out and got some shit from the store and mixed it in with my soil, ive got

60% soil
15% perlite
5% blood fish bone/meal
20% MG potting soil

The soil isn't compost, its like 'Premium soil' shit.



Active Member
i have 1 of these too they are handy and are real cheap too if you are using cfls stick it beside a 20 watt cfl and see the big difference in light out cant really get a good measurement on anything bigger than whatever it goes up to but handy anyway for people using bulbs indoors seeing about that square law thing with lighting.



This mother fudger came in the post and it does work perfect, the Ph however isn't top notch, its abit off but gives you the idea of your soils true Ph. The light is like 10 - 5000, whatever the fuck that means, and it has a moiste rod too which isn't that accurite, but again gives you the basic detail of your soils moisture.

Overall, its for those small grows and the budget grows, as this just might save one of my dieing plants D:!

Thankyou for the replys!


Well-Known Member
all electronics for soil growing is just a waste of money IMO i only use a ph tester thet was 5 dollors and will never break or fail, just get liquid ph tester never had probs with it elecronics dont make weed better they suk unless doing hydro