is this a way to make your plant bushy?

some guy on youtube said this. "if your talking bout making it bushy not thats the farthest thing from it when it grows to about 2 inches tall it will have 2 ridged leaves and two round leaves you rip one of the round leaves off which will create a branch and once that ones branched out enough you rip off the second and so one untill your plant is as bushy as you would like it to be."

is it true?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I'd take anything I saw on youtube with a grain of salt. I can go on there and say that I use a keyboard duster stuck deep in the roots to give an air pocket to my roots and it increased my growth 30% and people would do it.


Well-Known Member
LST (Low stress training)! you dont have to shock the plant or lose any growing time from cutting the plant! The plant/bush is full and is wider than it is tall!
