Is this a pollen sac


Active Member
I have a plant with 3 weeks into flower and today I was cleaning her and found these only on the lower part of the plant what do you guys think ...should I chop her or clean her up and see if she keeps putting out pollen sacks


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Definitely looks like sacs, your call on whether you want to try and remove them, if you do, be vigillant as it's got hermie tendencies and may produce more balls! Give it a shot, but if it keeps producing sacs, give it the habeus yankus!
She was doing so good had the whole tent super full but your right that's farming nothing is ever a guarantee especially from seed


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Try to not shake/move/disrupt it, put a contractor bag over it as carefully as possible, tie that bitch air tight and chop the stalk and yeet it out of the room. Those yellow banana looking parts are covered in highly volatile near invisible to the eye pollen and that pollen will cause seeds in your flowering plants.

Moving around, chopping up the plant will only spread the pollen around. Cut all fans, insert contractor bag over plant, tie tight around the stalk and chop that bitch.

The more you fuck with hermie plants and leave them in your flowering room the more seeds you will have in your finished product.