Is This a Male?

Northern Rites

Active Member
hey there, I would appreciate some help if anyone has some quick input to offer. I have looked at many picture and descriptions of sexing, but it's hard to make the call and toss a plant on your first grow. I want to be sure. Thanks.


Northern Rites

Active Member
Thanks for you helpful information. However, it leads me to a further question. You all said "too many" balls. Is it possible that another one of my plants might have a few male flower sites as well as female sites? Is there an amount of these balls, or male flowers as i imagine you meant, that a plant could have and still be female?


Well-Known Member
technically yes, but you should really look at the preflowers before it gets this far next time. hermie plants do happen from bad seeds or shitty environment (esp. light leaks)


Well-Known Member
I just had one of my plants show a few "balls" on the main stem. Everything else about the plant is female. If you see a few male flowers, just strip the off before they open. Seems there are just some strains that pre-flower partially male only to turn out female.


Well-Known Member
I made hash out of all my males.I wouldn't keep a hermi plant either.would worry me to much to just snip off the balls and hope they dont come back later and ruin your whole crop.Off with there heads I say,off with there heads....