Is this a herme banana?

I searched herme bananas and I suspect that is what I have here.

The plant is a Sherbet and I just gave it its last water with nutes, so it will get a couple more watering with no nutes.



Well-Known Member
Not the end of the world, let them finish and after just wipe everything down and spray with bleach water. Always use the pure bleach that doesn't have anti splash chemicals n shit.


Well-Known Member
Hope you're feeling better man. If so, I'm sure you got some hungry monkeys in need of a feed
Op. Yes you got nanners.
The worst thing you could do is stress it more by not feeding it. It'll make even more nanners. Either cut your losses if nanners are abundant and youre in early flower or white knuckle it till the end. Pick out as many as you can with tweezers after spritzing with water.
What week in flower are you on? If it's near the end there's not really much to worry about. If you've just started or before halfway then ya you may have issues. Sometimes nanners are sterile and won't produce viable pollen but I wouldn't count on that.
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Well-Known Member
That is a nanner yes, but I don't believe nanners are actual herms, i could be wrong about that. . ..
Yea I wouldnt consider a nanner a Hermie.
That would be a Hermie true and true. A male flower comming out of a bud not a true hermie
(Op) It can still pollinate, but alot of the time it's sterile. Late in flower it's not uncommon. Actually alot of people completely overlook them and dont even know if they stay small enough.