Is this a bud? -Pics-


Active Member
not if it has balls on it.
ok where the branch meets up with the main steam there should either be hairs or pollen sacks
if theres hairs its a female which makes the buds
and if it has pollen sacks/balls its a male

ohh and how far are you in the budding stage?


Active Member
Were the fans in the direct breeze when you took those pics? That makes it hard to identify. I agree that it looks like a male plant.


Well-Known Member
I can't really tell with your pics. Next time, try using the "Macro" setting on your camera if it has one. However, here's some pictures for you to help you tell whether it is a male or female:

Why you probably do not want male marijuana plants:
Only a female marijuana plant makes flowers/buds that contain a usable amount of THC. Male marijuana plants only make pollen sacs that they use to fertilize the females, and don't produce enough THC to be useful for human consumption. Most growers will throw away any male plants that they encounter to keep them from fertilizing the female plants. If you have female plants and your female plants do get fertilized, they will use all their energy to produce seeds instead of making buds. This is good if you want seeds, but you will run into the same problem again since half of the seeds will also be male.