Is there something wrong, or am I just paranoid?


This is the second plant I have grown. She is just like week and a half old. My first plant didn't look like this, she looked very healthy, dark green. The leaves on this one are a much lighter green and the ends are burned on the smaller leaves and most of them are curled down. Sorry if I'm being dumb, I just don't want it to get bad if anything is wrong. She is short stuff-auto assassin. I have her in miracle grow soil (I know, I know, mg soil haters, lol) mixed with perlite. She is under like 6700 lumens of white and the blue colored CFLs. The temp has been stable....009.jpg008.jpg002.jpg006.jpg


looks like nute burn, the tips are brown and crispy. Also they are overwatered. Thats why its all puffed up and swelled around the leaf veins. i would run at least three times the volume of water through the soil as there is soil. So for example you are using 3 gallon pots, run 9 gallons of water through them and dont fert.


Well-Known Member
Some MG soil has time-released nitrogen capsules that are too hot for young seedlings. They don't need much nitrogen for the first 2 weeks.


I did water this one more than the other. :sad: I read a lot of places that u should water until the entire pot has gotten wet. I didn't do my other one like that. I just watered as much as I thought she should have. So, I guess I will go back to the way I was doing the other one. So, if I flush it out, it won't cause it to be even more overwatered and kill her will it?


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents....if you're in soil, I would wait till it dries out if you're going to flush it again. (If you were using coco, I'd say go ahead and flush, its like impossible to overwater in coco)

Po boy

Well-Known Member
I did water this one more than the other. :sad: I read a lot of places that u should water until the entire pot has gotten wet. I didn't do my other one like that. I just watered as much as I thought she should have. So, I guess I will go back to the way I was doing the other one. So, if I flush it out, it won't cause it to be even more overwatered and kill her will it?
with seedlings, keep the soil moist but not drenched. when the whole soil area is soaked through, it takes a much longer time to dry. i use a small mist bottle
to spray the area around the seedlings, keeping the soil moist. seedlings as young as yours can easily get damp off from being soaked too long. GL