Is there anything you can do with culled males? And how do you dispose of them?


Just getting started on my first grow, but trying to think ahead. When you cull male plants, can you make hash or anything from them, or are they useless? And how do you get rid of the plants? Just throwing them in the trash doesn't sound very prudent. What do you guys do?


Active Member
you can make hash but it will be incredibly low in thc so theres no point really, if you keep them alive you can experiement with them, lst them, top them, ext ; you can also collect their pollen if you every want to reap a seed harvest.I personally chop them up and throw in with the compost in my garden although with bigger crops would need to far more subtle, i knew some growers that used to put them all into bin bags and drive them to the dump.


Well-Known Member
you can make hash or butter, but considering the fact you should cut any males as soon as they show sex and males have alot less of the good stuff,
i mean even a female harvested right after sexing would make super weak hash or butter if you were to try to do it, so males are even worse. I wouldnt bother with it.


Active Member
I have a large vegged male plant that I am going to practice taking clippings, pruning/topping etc... until it's compost.