Is there any point to LST'ing outdoor plants growing in the ground?


I've been guerrilla growing two autos, they're about a month old. I thought I'd try training them, is there any point to doing it when growing outdoors, and is there anything extra I should know about if doing it? I just tied them with some rope for now, but I'll be buying plant twist ties if I find out that this is something that people actually do.

Also, I found it plant 2 hard to bend, can you make it easier to bend or do you just have to slowly increase the stress you put it under as it grows?pMkGPeJ.jpgohpnmKx.jpg
yes but only when they are large and the strain doesnt get bushy.

in a windy terrain this is going to give more stability and more developed sidebranches.
once the plant is about 1m just tie the main stem down.
your plants are far too small. Better protect them from animals...
once the plant is about 1m just tie the main stem down.
your plants are far too small. Better protect them from animals...

According to the seed vendor, these aren't supposed to grow taller than 70-80cm, so I shouldn't try to train them since they won't grow to be that big?
According to the seed vendor, these aren't supposed to grow taller than 70-80cm, so I shouldn't try to train them since they won't grow to be that big?
well, forget the breeders info for a moment, if you train it should make sense (ultimately bring gain in harvest) but LSTing little plants outdoors doesnt bring a bonus.

The sun can light out any of its current leaves so what do you want more?
Lots and lots of people including myself lst outdoors, and its s very useful tool in creating not only stability and support for your plants but larger yields.
Now on yours? Probably wont do anything because you got a short flowering auto. There was not enough time to train it before it started doing its thing.