Is there alternatives to heat sinking QBs other than metal?


Active Member
I plan on turning a cabinet into a mother/seedling tent. The cabinet is 43x125x100cm (around 16x49x39 inch) I want to use as much space as possible within this cabinet so there will be no inline fan/filter. I have a sol skin SSK-272-VB-V2 I'm running with an HLG-120H-48A .

I have some spare 80/20 aluminum pieces, enough to make a heatsink but would be difficult to mount. I was wondering if anyone had experience with alternative panel heatsinking like silicone sheets or directly on to the wood. Would that be unsafe? I've tried the thick lexan from hardware stores and it worked fine with thermal tape and adhesive. Also this type of wood cabinet is old particle/saw dust but layered on real sheet wood then stained.
Exactly the term I'm looking for good looks. could wood or silicone maybe mixed with small amounts of brass/aluminum tape and thin sheets be sufficient enough to cool QBs efficiently or atleast to a point where there are no issues?
Drywall? I use it to mount my ballasts on before osb. Not sure if you are trying to cool the light or protect the wood from heat now..
Alu has excellent thermal conducting ability. Silicone is at the other will not move heat away
May buy some drywall sheets just to test the temp with a heat gun then. Silicone doesnt sound too great after all im guessing, was planning on using those baking sheets
I want to mount the lights as close to the cabinet roof as possible but also dont want to burn it down from some heat issue or malfunction.
I protect wood from heat with drywall is what I’m saying, no drywall will not help cool the light. I have no idea if the light can or will overheat.