Is there a doctor in the house!?!


Active Member

I repotted two days ago, because my soil was too N rich, and the plants got toxic (Very dark green), then started locking out other nutes. I repotted in a coco coir, compost and perlite mix. Watered with Seaweed mix, and some trace elements. Put it back under 400W HPS. When I checked yesterday they were a little droopy, but the yellowing in the veins started disappearing.

Last night I put in a new 400W Metal Halide globe, and set it about 70cm from plants, same where the HPS was. This morning I checked on the babies, and disaster!!!! The leaves are crispy, turning grey with yellow spots. WTF???:confused:



Well-Known Member
U need to flush out your pots with 3 times the capasity of the pots with clean ph'd water.. to clean out all the salts build up..

do u ph your water?
maybe move the light back a bit aswell


Well-Known Member
u should not have given it any seaweed max nurs either it looks like a very young plant... it cant take the nutes yet..

Flush straight away..


Well-Known Member
Yeah it doesn't need any could have been soaked in some b vitamins before transplanting and you would have been fine. But I'm pretty sure seaweed has a lot of b vits. It should have been a very very low dossage though.

Word to the that you've gone with the coco. You will almost certainly have some cal/mag issues(some don't, but I did) unless you use some magical or equivalent nute....that is when they're ready for nutes, which isn't yet.