Is there a age limit on marijuana ?


Well-Known Member
I will make it short and grandma is very old 70 years old...she does alot better than most 70 year olds but she's never got high before and I think this is something she needs to do before she there anyway this could cause a heart attack or anything I need to be worried about concerning her age ?
I found a thread here about strangely but it said it's more likely for for everyday users not non-users zeroing in at 18 to 44
I'd be hesitant, just because some people freak out their first time, which is fine if you are a kid, but do you really want to have to explain yourself to the paramedics? LOL That would suck...Give her some CBD oil or let her vape a little CBD flower, that's what I'd do.
I guess CBD is a start... Theres got to be a medical patient somewhere in the world that are in their 70s who use medical marijuana daily safely

Cotyledon I started my mother on coconut oil drops about 3 years ago when she was 81.

She took enough to get high only once, when we were figuring out the dose. Other than that she just takes the dose and goes to sleep, getting a full night sleep for the first time in her life.

I make a really good coconut oil infusion...I needed to hear this you have no idea